Dearborn Public Schools
The Dearborn Public Schools is the only district in the state that includes a Community College making it a K-14 school system. Comprehensive academic and vocational programs are offered in 32 neighborhood schools. Over 18,600 students participate in a curriculum that is aligned to state benchmarks and standards and continually reviewed by a district curriculum committee. Experience in art, instrumental and vocal music, physical education, health, science, social studies, and foreign languages are provided at both elementary and secondary levels.
Dearborn Public Schools
All Dearborn schools are accredited by the North Central Association. High school students have a variety of course offerings and special programs available to them beginning in ninth grade. Advanced Placement classes and Dual Enrollment opportunities allow many of Dearborn graduates to enter college with several dozen college credits already completed and paid for. Dearborn has more Dual Enrolled students than any other school district in the state. Offering students these learning experiences in high school saves them time and money at the university level.
Community education programs provide learning opportunities ranging from high school completion and vocational training and retraining to enrichment and recreation. A special senior citizen program offers daytime classes in neighborhood schools. English as a Second Language (ESL) programs offer foreign-born residents the opportunity to study English and citizenship.
The Dearborn Board of Education also governs Henry Ford Community College, which serves nearly 18,000 full- and part-time students on three campuses, with programs from art to robotics. More than one-hundred associate degree or certification programs qualify students for entry-level jobs or allow them to complete the first two years of a liberal arts or pre-professional program.
Academic excellence is crucial in today’s society and the City of Dearborn is doing its part in preparing residents and businesses for that standard. Offering educational opportunities ranging from preschool to graduate school is what puts Dearborn at the top of the list for educational institutions.
The only K-14 school systems in Michigan, the Dearborn Public Schools serve residents from their earliest years in day-care and preschool programs, throughout grade school and high school, and up to two-year college programs at Henry Ford Community College.
For more than a quarter of a century the Dearborn Public Schools has been offering day care for preschoolers, a developmental preschool program for three- and four year-olds, and before- and after-school child care for school-age youngsters.

- 1501 N. Beech-Daly, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
- Main Office: 313-278-0900
- Attendance: 313-278-0901
- Guidance: 313-278-0902
- 25225 Richardson, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
- 313-278-8390
- 7500 Vernon, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
- 313-278-0425
- 1505 Kinloch, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
- 313-278-4482
- 25900 W. Warren, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
- Main office: 313-274-0140
- Attendance: 313-274-0143 and 313-278-4211
- Guidance: 313-274-0143
- 7500 Vernon, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
- 313-278-0425
- Southwest corner of Gulley Road and Wilson, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
- 313-278-8427
- 1501 N. Beech Daly, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
- 313-278-0558
District No. 7 is a solid-performing district with active parents who love their schools. We offer both a college-bound curriculum and a strong vocational education program to meet the needs of ALL our students.