Advantage Small Businesses Have Over Big Brands

Some days it feels hard to compete with the loss leaders big box stores employ, the operating hours they’re able to keep, the programs, their ad budget, their marketing… the […]
Do You Have What It Takes to Become an Entrepreneur?

Do you have dreams about owning your own business or becoming part of the gig economy? Making your own hours? Working from wherever you want? Then you’re not alone. As […]
Small Business Owners: It’s Time to Think Big

As a small business owner, it’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day operations of your business. You’re constantly juggling tasks like managing inventory or staff, paying bills, and […]
Targeting Your Ideal Customers

No matter what your hobby, there are tools of the trade. If you fish, you match the type of bait you use to the kind of fish you want to […]
Dearborn Area Chamber of Commerce Selects New President

A familiar face is returning to the Dearborn Area Chamber of Commerce. Kelli Vanden Bosch is welcomed back as President to lead the 80-year-old organization. She previously served as the […]
Hiring Freelancers: When You Need to and What You Should Know

As of February 2024, Upwork estimates that there are 76.4 million freelancers in the United States, which is an increase of 3.1 million from 2023. This number is expected to continue […]
Member-to-Member Program Provides Unique Value

This private program allows DACC members to promote incentives available only to other Chamber members! Log in and showcase incentives to your fellow members only: How is my offer […]
Thank You Small Business Owners

Small Business Week is celebrated every year in the first week of May, but saying thanks to small business owners is important year round! Small business owners are a crucial […]
27th Annual Teacher of the Year Students’ Choice Award Winners Announced

A full house joined us on April 18th for the annual Alberta Muirhead Teacher of the Year Students’ Choice Awards. The recognition and cash prizes, sponsored by the Dearborn Area […]
Dearborn Residents and Businesses: Enroll in Natural Gas Balance Today, Get Rewarded Tomorrow

This blog post was created by DTE Energy. The City of Dearborn, also known as a Tree City, USA, is balancing its electricity usage for all municipal buildings and now you have […]